Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

Chemistry is Easily

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

The honorable Mr. Abdul Fatah as english lecturer and all of my friends whom i loved.
Ladies and gentle men, today i’m going to talk to you about chemistry.
Do you know what the chemistry is...? How material is build...?
Surely, you have opinion about chemistry and than thinking, what does the scientist do in laboratory. May be you think that chemistry activity has been done in the laboratory by someone who wears white coat and study chemistry reaction. Mostly person consider like that, and this is true. In this case, many people didn’t understand yet about chemistry. Commonly, chemistry is experimental knowledge and in the part of it, chemistry is the result of research in laboratory.
Now, many scientist use computer to analyze microscopic structural and analyze the characteristic chemistry compounds with electronic tool. In the other hand, chemistry used to analyze toxic in the material in nature. Chemistry mostly used in various field, such as biology and medical. Many scientist took a hand in research and develop new medicine. In the research, scientist study about agriculture, animal husbandry, food, environment, etc. In industry, many worker have a chemistry skill. Because chemistry is important knowledge, so chemistry is called primer knowledge. Many people consider that chemistry is difficult knowledge. But, what do you think about chemistry? Is difficult or easy?
I have a solution to learn chemistry easily, there are :
First, attend in the class and study hard,
Second, repeat the learning material and ask to your self, what do you understand or not, and
Third, don’t be worried to ask lecturer if you don’t understand.
This is tips and trick to learn chemictry easily. Are you interesting to learn chemistry?
The last for me, thank you very much for your nice attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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